Friday, November 6, 2020

My November goals

Hello November! I cant believe that we're finally coming to the end of the year, and whilst I cant wait for a fresh start and hopefully some positivity, I really want to set myself some stern November goals, I feel like we've been living in such an uncertain time scale at the moment, the least we could do is bring a little positivity into our lives and create some ground-breaking rules for ourselves, I mean what else is there to do?

Here's what I'm looking forward to this month...

- being selfish, but in a good way. I've spent such a huge chunk of my life looking out for others, dropping things for others or even not doing certain things because of certain people. I don't want to live like that anymore, I want to start doing things because I want to do them. I want and will achieve all of the things I've been wanting to do for so long, finally reaching those goals. I just want to be selfish, and not feel bad about doing things because others don't want to do it, this life is for me and no one else.

- up my blogging content. I feel like I've been so distant from my blog, I'm not sure why I think I've been struggling to find the motivation to do much at the moment with what's going on at the moment. I want to really go out there with my content, try something new that I've not done before. We're coming up to the most exciting time of the year so I have so many blog posts planned, maybe even get others involved too! I find so much joy in finding something new, and I cant wait for it.

- Live more in the moment. I find myself focusing so much on my future, that i sometimes forget what's right in front of me, and thats never the way forward (quite literally.) I really need to take a step back and slow down. I feel like I spend such a big chunk of my life trying to achieve everything at once, when I need to remind myself that good things take time and baby steps are the best steps. 

There's a few of my November goals. I haven't got many but I feel life is very limited at the moment, none of us know what we're going to be doing really, but at least we can all stick together.

Keep safe, my inbox is open for anyone who is struggling during this lockdown.

Kay x


  1. I'm definitely going to be more selfish this lockdown too and take some time out for me! Great goals :)
    Chloe X

    1. Yes girl! I completely agree with you! Make sure you look after number one! xxx

  2. Happy November! I am the same with blogging, I've been a bit meh about it, especially now that we're back in lockdown I'm not wearing makeup so am not inspired beauty wise! Need to get on more lifestyle content xx

    1. You've got this girl! Whatever you feel is right, go for it! xx
