Thursday, January 14, 2021

We finally got rid of the do-do, aka dummy!

Happy new year, and welcome back to my blog after what feels like a long break!

I can't believe we're in another lockdown, but I personally felt like it needed to be done; this corona is not going away! I hope you're all making good use out of the time we have at home, I know so many people are now becoming teachers at home and its so lovely to see that kids are still learning despite what's going on in todays world.

We finally got rid of the do-do aka dummy. I know we're extremely late to the party but honestly we've tried this three times already but Harry has finally given in and become a big boy! To say we're proud of him is a complete understatement, he's adapted so well and has not moaned once, which kind of shocked me a bit! I was expecting Harry to scream until he could scream no more but he wasn't phased at all; we couldn't believe it! I feel like maybe we should have done this months ago, or not even given him a dummy in the first place. We've said for our next baby we're not going to introduce a dummy, its for the best. But I feel like every child is different. I hate nothing more than comparison when it comes to children, it shouldn't ever be a comparison or god forbid a competition! Every child, even adults are so different in every way. None of us develop the same way, thats what makes us special! Harry learnt to walk early on, but spoke later on, that doesn't make him any less or more important in my eyes.

We only ever introduced the dummy purely for a comfort purpose. Harry suffered with the worst reflux as a newborn and I can only describe it as heartburn for babies. He couldn't lay flat in bed, he had to have infacol drops after every feed because his tiny little body couldn't deal with it! Giving him a dummy was another way of comforting him, telling him that everything was going to be okay. It worked for all of us and that was all we really cared about!

Moral of this blog: it doesn't matter when you do it, just as long as you do it!

Kay x