There is no doubt about it that being full term pregnant is stressful as it is. However one thing i've found to be a little bit more challenging this time round is the constant hounding of messages that seem to have a flow of a pattern to whats being said. I'm all for people asking how you are, but when you're hormones are higher than the Empire State Building and you're exhausted enough from not only cooking a fully grown baby and parenting a pretty-much three year old, sometimes it can all get a little too much for me. Here's a few things that have been said to me that are officially in my blocked category...
"Not long now!"
- I honestly feel like this one is the one that triggers the majority of pregnant women. We know, trust me we know. Every damn day means not long now and don't I feel fed up from not having my baby here yet. It sounds awful but I just cannot stand it when people say this to me, I think "no shit Sherlock", I honestly thought I was still in my second trimester, what the hell am I emotional over?!
I can just see Owen reading this and laughing, he likes to wind me up every chance he gets, he's probably the only person I allow to say this to me, Typical men, if only they had to push a baby out of them...
"Wait until there's two of them, then you'll feel tired"
- This seems to be the most common response to whenever I'm expressing how tired I am at the moment. I mean, obviously I know life is going to get a little bit more complicated, and there is no doubt about it that looking after two children under five years old is going to cause a little bit of fatigue, but seriously Karens?! I'm tired because I've been pregnant for 10 months, carrying excess water weight with me everyday, not to mention my hormones are exhausting at the moment, and also walking up the stairs causes me to need a 5 hour break, that is not an exaggeration either.
"You look absolutely huge, are you sure there isn't two in there?
- Nope, and don't test my patience with that one please. I mean, obviously I would know if there is two in there, and I'm not huge, I'm full term smack-in-the-face pregnant. I think I may be the only one here, but I hate any form of comment in regards to my bump, I absolutely despise it. I know pregnancy is a wonderful thing, but I honestly hate anyone making any form of joke about the way my bump looks, or even me. Simply don't say this to me, and we can be friends.
"I can't wait for cuddles!"
- You can wait, especially seeing as you haven't bothered to check in once during my pregnancy. This is one thing that really gets me going whilst pregnant. The amount of messages you receive of how excited people are to meet your little one, yet no one has really checked in on you personally, and not just over an Instagram photo either. I'm very passionate about that statement as I find a lot of people will act as if they have been there, but never really have been. I can hand on heart say I don't speak to those who don't speak to me, and I never chase people especially now I have children of my own. Also, one thing I have found is that you really do find out who's been there for you when you're pregnant, I feel like things hurt differently and true colours shine better than ever.
"Is that baby here yet?"
- Nope, if I've just posted a photo of me attempting to eat a hot curry to get this baby out of me, I have not given birth. Those who need to know, will know in time.
However, I feel like we're all guilty of asking people this, purely out of kindness and concern, but when It's me its being said to, nope to the N-O-P-E.
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