Sunday, September 20, 2020

Things to do at home with a 2 year old

We've reached that time of the year where the weather is beginning to be a little less exciting for the little ones. The sun is no longer shining and giving us a tan, it sounds like my personal idea of heaven but Harry enjoys the summer too much! As parents its our job to make sure they're satisfied 24/7, and as draining as that may seem, I try and find the fun in it too. I love autumn so it's a great way for me to find exciting things to do with Harry that I know we're both going to benefit from. After all, we're both here for a good time.

I've been writing countless lists of things to do at home when the weather isn't as nice as we'd like it to be, so thought I'd share my own ideas I've come up with, I hope they're okay!

  • Science experiments. Sounds a bit of a weird one but I was showing Harry the trick with the pepper and hand soap and we were sat there for ages because he was loving it so much, I think I showed him about 20 times. There are so many kid science experiments you could try, looking on Google is a great way to get some ideas!

  • Painting. All kids love a bit of painting, I know Harry does. Kids love anything that involves them getting messy, so some days we crack open the paint and I let Harry paint a canvas or we make a card for Daddy. Introducing autumnal colours like oranges and browns is good sensory too and a good way to teach the little ones about colours and seasons!

  • Leaf art. What a brilliant time to start leaf painting or drawing than right now. The leaves are already starting to fall off, so why not go for a walk and collect leaves for messy play later on? leaf pressing is such good fun and an amazing keep sake!

  • Baking. This is a personal favourite of mine as I'm constantly wanting to bake something new everyday I swear. Harry loves getting involved with the mixing and licking the icing off the spoon, why not bake some spooky treats? or some pumpkin pie? 

  • Building a den. I used to love doing this when I was little, and its a good way to bring out the creative side to both yourself and your little one. Harry personally loves being underneath things so for him he would love things like this. Maybe making a den by the sofa or even getting a tent out in the garden and making it all cosy!

  • Cinema nights. We love watching a film in this house so why not have a cinema night? It's a good way to spend more time as a family at home and you can watch films you haven't seen before, or even a fun documentary. Harry loves his cars and motorbikes so he loves anything related to that! Adding some extra snacks and lots of blankets is good too!

I hope these ideas are somewhat good! It's hard to know what to do with a two year old most days as they're so easily distracted!

Kay x

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